Saturday 25 October 2008

Catherine and David, Military Style

Following my retro theme from last week, here are some images form Catherine and David's recent wedding at Minley Manor. The searing heat and amazing venue set the scene for my first military wedding, and i was helped again by my good friend and fellow-ess photographer, Sarah Vivienne.

You can see just how awesome the venue is, especially is such great weather:

The morning was another first for me, as I got to join in with some clay pigeon shooting! 4 clays out of 6 shots the first time i ever fired a shotgun - i was a happy bunny (with a sore shoulder!):

The guard were on good form:

and the girls were delightful:

Piping in the arrival:

The Guard doing what the Guard do:

A rare appearance - me running to get ahead! (Thanks Sarah!)

The happy couple:

He so coool:

Some fun in the candlelight:

Finally, something different for the Ceremonial Sword - the style inspired by the awesome Jerry Ghionis:

All in all, a hot, sunny, fantastic day!


Gill said...

Cool shots, Matt ... love the candle fun shot with the guys and, of course, that shot inspired by Jerry !




tasha herrgott said...

You are way too funny! I love the shot of you running...always a classic for a photographer :). Oh, and the shot of the sword is truly amazing - nice job!

Matt Pereira Photography
All images and content are the intellectual property of Matt Pereira and are protected by copyright.
Please do not steal or borrow without written permission - it's not very nice.