Friday, 4 April 2008

Tijen & Neal's Wedding - Day 3

Today's blog is going to be very short on words, as I have less than 30 minutes to get the images posted and back down to the beach for Tijen and Neal's post-registration-pre-wedding-shoot! I know ... it's a hard life ... however, less words means more pictures, so here we go.

On what was to be an excruciatingly hot day, spirits were high at breakfast. Tijen was the only notable absence, as she was at the Amderman hotel having her hair done - and very lovely it was too! For someone who has spent months planning the perfect few days, she was amazingly calm this morning.

It was all going well until ... "Hello, yes, can you send someone to the room and retrieve the rings, and can they please drive at 100mph to meet us at the registry?"

The answer, apparently, was "Yes!!"

And there you have it, a wonderful, wonderful day despite a ring hiccup (we didn't need the rings afterall either!!!)

Tomorrow, the pre-wedding shoot and some fun on the beach!

1 comment:

kristi kienholz said...

What a stunning bride!

Matt Pereira Photography
All images and content are the intellectual property of Matt Pereira and are protected by copyright.
Please do not steal or borrow without written permission - it's not very nice.