Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Irina and Andrew's pre-wedding shoot

On Monday I took the train into London to meet Irina and Andrew for their pre-wedding shoot. It was a very changeable day, weatherwise, and we spent much of it dodging the rain. After a visit to the beautiful St. Peter's Italian Church, where they will be married, we took a walk to Lincoln's Inn, where the reception will be held - both stunning locations and will make for some great photographs.

After the rain stopped we took a quick trip into Regent's Park, where Irina fed the squirrels (we also saw a rat but I didn't photograph it!)

Here are some of my favourites from the day:

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Matt Pereira Photography
All images and content are the intellectual property of Matt Pereira and are protected by copyright.
Please do not steal or borrow without written permission - it's not very nice.