A few months ago I decided to have a go at growing potatoes, having been inspired by an episode of Jamie Oliver on TV. I trundled down to B&Q and picked up a £4.98 Potato Grow Bag.
Following Jamie's instructions, I stood the bag on its end, sliced the top off and planted a couple of old potatoes. Then I made a couple of incisions in the front of the bag and inserted a couple more ... and that was it!
Keeping it watered regularly, by hose or by rain, and several battles with snails and slugs .... and a couple of months later here are the fruits (or should that be 'vegetables' ?) of my labours :
Those big ones are about 7" long .. rather impressive, don't you agree?
Unfortunately, i'll be moving house soon and so no more garden for the foreseeable future. But i am looking forward to trying these home grown babies over the next few days!