Friday 9 May 2008

A QUALIFIED Master Photographer I am!

Well, good news all around. On Wednesday of this week, I officially qualified as a member of the Master Photographers Association.
MPA is the professional organisation for Master Photographers in which all qualified members adhere to a strict Code of Conduct and have undergone qualification to at least Licentiate standard.

Established over 50 years ago, the MPA is unique in that it only allows full-time professional photographers to remain in membership. Each must have undergone a rigorous assessment of their work - and only then do they appear in the MPA's Online Directory and can add the MPA logos to business cards and stationery.

According to the MPA website, all members :

* Strive continually to uphold the professional standard of their work and to improve the standard of practice in the profession as a whole.

* Conduct themselves so as to uphold the reputation of the Association and with it the spirit and dignity of their profession.

* Deal fairly, honestly and helpfully with their clients, employer, employees, suppliers and fellow members and when required to give professional opinion shall do so conscientiously and without malice.

* A member shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the discharge of their duties and, in so far as any of their duties are discretionary, shall act fairly and in good faith.

* A member shall at all times and in all respects conduct their professional and business operations within the law.

Well, this sounds about right, and all of these points are things that I have been doing for some time now, as a matter of course.

So, if you have booked me for your wedding or lifestyle shoot this year, this qualification should come as good news to you. If you have not yet booked me, or are thinking about doing so, please get in touch soon.

Weddings are almost at a close this year - I will only be accepting a few more bookings, so call now for a no obligation consultation.

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Matt Pereira Photography
All images and content are the intellectual property of Matt Pereira and are protected by copyright.
Please do not steal or borrow without written permission - it's not very nice.