Tuesday, 18 March 2008

It's the little things that matter.

Every now and then, during the quiet periods, I like to make sure I keep my hand (and eyes) in the game. I take all the opportunities I can to assist other photographers at their weddings, either as second gun or just helping out with lighting and attention to details.

Yesterday I helped my good friend David with a wedding at Gosfield Hall in Essex. There wasn't much call for me to actually shoot, as my main remit was lighting and keeping the kids entertained (read 'distracted') whilst David did his stuff.

I do think that sometimes, however, it's the kids who can make or break a wedding - oh, sure, the Wedding wouldn't be happening in the first place without the lucky couple's involvement, but it's often the smaller details that can get forgotten.

Yesterday, we were fortunate (in my opinion) to have quite a few children attending the wedding - for the most part they did what many kids do when they get overexcited, and spent much of the day running around screaming and playing.

The weather was pretty cold and grim, with unpredictable and intermittent rain. However, even during these times, the magic is still possible. I managed to collar a couple of the children and calmed them down enough for a very quick timeout ... and this is what they gave me:

They may have been mad and loud for most of the day, but you wouldn't want to miss having them around. Everybody knows it's the little things that matter ...


kristi kienholz said...

Beautiful images! I'm sure these touched their hearts - especially Mom's!

Anonymous said...

You're the best from one who knows.
M xx

Matt Pereira Photography
All images and content are the intellectual property of Matt Pereira and are protected by copyright.
Please do not steal or borrow without written permission - it's not very nice.